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Category: Mind
Not The Body, Not The Mind; What Are We?
Every spiritual inquiry begins with this question, “If I am not the mind and not the body, then what am I, and what’s going on?” This fundamental existential question is the beginning of all spiritual seeking. Every question related to life and living eventually boils down to this question. But there is another question that…
Freedom From The Tyrannical Thinking Mind
Wearing the artificial mask of calmness and pretending to be what you’re not is a tremendous effort. The moment you give up the facade and be authentic, you feel relieved because you have the freedom to be yourself. The problem is when you want to be a certain way because you feel that’s the way…
Being Imprisoned In The Realm of Separation
There’re countless articles and philosophical discussions on the idea that the body-mind organism susceptible primarily to pain and suffering is a sort of imprisonment in what seems to be hell.
Why Is Spiritual Awakening So Painful? Ending The “Dark Night of The Soul”
Imagine how you would feel if you got to know that you’ve lived lies all your life. If you had this sudden realization that you’re not what you believe yourself to be. There is a marked pain and confusion associated with this realization where one goes through a phase of depression or spiritual crisis known…
How Can We Expand Our Consciousness To Infinity?
The questions you’ve asked indicate that you’re a seeker of truth. So I will give you a thought to reflect on and see how it fits your view of life.
Developing The Courage To Walk Your Own Path
Walking on your own path is a courageous act. Not because of the path in and of itself but because it entails developing self-awareness, which is not an easy undertaking for most people.