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Radiate the Peace of Being without Any Effort or Even Intention
The moment you try to do things with a preconceived agenda, with an intender intending to do something labeled as “good”, precisely the opposite happens.

“You are a function of what the whole universe is doing in the same way that a wave is a function of what the whole ocean is doing.” – Alan Watts
What if I tell you that there is a possibility to send harmonious vibrations into the world (or the Universe) without intending and by simply being oneself? The moment you do things with a preconceived agenda, with an intender intending to do “good”, precisely the opposite happens. Has not that been your experience? Haven’t you tried doing “good” to someone hoping for a positive outcome that resulted entirely in the unexpected opposite? Yet, we find ourselves repeating what never works, and that’s the unconsciousness of the ego mind.
The entity that intends to do something, “make the world peaceful, end wars, eliminate poverty and income inequality, end racial discrimination, and so on,” believes that it is separate from what it wants to change. The disharmony observed by this conditioned entity comes from the filtered perception of What-should-or-should-not-be and not What-Is, which may be entirely different. Yet, this entity qualities itself based on certain parameters (which also comes from conditioning) to do “good” and/or prevent “evil.”
This entity “me” is a construct (a mental image) that lives strongly attached to concepts, ideologies, and beliefs. It self-assigns certain attributes, “I know what’s right and what’s wrong. I have experienced more life than others therefore I am qualified to tell them what they should or should not do with their lives. My religion is the best. My community is the best. I am a good human being. I am loving, caring, and tender. I am a spiritual being with love for all humanity. God has put me on this planet to serve humanity. And so on.”
The above are all movements from the presence or Being that shines here and now. The ego mind loves to expand horizontally as thinking based on the idea of controlling others or situations according to its preference. This thinking is not creative but one that creates self-doubt based on assumptions. My friend calls it the “Rascal Mind.”
It is a rascal!
But it comes from the same source as the creative working mind that is required for efficient daily living. Therefore, it has a purpose. It is a pointer to the wholeness presence or Being that is one’s true nature. Sages like Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Jiddu Krishnamurti, and many more, have consistently pointed to this simple truth. The movement of mind in the direction of “thinking” can be arrested and brought back here and now, but it requires complete surrender of effort of any kind. Any effort to force attention and bring it here will not work. The problem is that the ego mind hates to suspend effort or control because that requires detachment from the outcome. The ego mind is all about the preferred outcome.
“Give up the notion that ‘I am so and so’. All that is required to realize the Self is to be still. What can be easier than that?” – Ramana Maharshi
Once, someone in the Ramana ashram questioned Bhagavan about the use of sitting and meditating when there is so much chaos in the world and why he doesn’t do something about the problems of the world. To that, Bhagavan replied that it was the questioner’s assumption that nothing was being done by him. It is a fact that people and organizations with the best of intentions have done horrifying things. A couple of years back, the Delhi High Court remarked that 99% of the NGOs (Non-Profits in India) are corrupt and money-making instruments (source).
Such things are not exclusive to a particular region. And neither do I imply that one should not undertake part in charitable actions. But true service will happen only when one is completely in harmony with oneself. My work here is not to enlighten you or bring peace to you. I’m only sharing and expressing what I have learned and experienced for myself.
So how does one transmit peace and harmony into the world?
By exploring and going within oneself. Self-knowledge is the highest expression of love. It is not to be found externally. It cannot be brought about through analysis because that is a limited capability tool of the mind system. It requires deep and total attention to whatever is happening in this present moment. It is not touched by the past or future. It is not an addition but a removal of the false. When one is completely present with oneself there is no need to “do” anything.
Your Being is sufficient and the highest vibration. Being present with that vibration your nervous system aligns with the nervous system of the universe and peace is the natural outcome. Look into the one that intends to “do” something. Where does it come from? What is the source of this entity that believes itself to be separate from what it perceives as happening externally? This is where everything is happening – breathing, pulsating, humming, flowing, arising, subsiding, creating, destroying, and so much more. There is no need for concepts or ideas here. The separate entity “me” is a conceptualization that is an arising in this vastness but it has no concrete existence of its own. It is not your continuous experience. It arises only when you think, “I am this or that.” Your substratum that never changes or eludes is “I AM.”
Your peace brings peace to the whole world. Mind “your” own business by Being and being this or that. Your movement is an invasion of others’ peace and privacy. Your stillness is a shared experience of oneness and bliss.
“The most important hour is always the present. The most significant person is precisely the one sitting across from you right now. The most necessary work is always love.” – Meister Eckhart
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