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Seeking Truth with Humility and Courage
Let nothing create self-doubt on the pathless path

Seeking Truth requires courage, and there are only a few who dare to tread this pathless land. Human conditioning envisages that we seek a goal, but how about undertaking a journey where no destination is fixed? How about a journey where the road is full of diversions, distractions, and potholes of every kind?
Spiritual people often get swayed by shiny objects or get dissuaded by obstacles, but an earnest seeker moves with full conviction overcoming all obstacles. Even if they get swayed in the moment, they find their way back soon. They don’t let their emotions rule their rational mind. They create a perfect balance and keep moving in one direction. They don’t worry about right or wrong, moral or immoral, or get caught up in duality.
No matter how painful one feels in the moment, the earnest seeker does not compromise on seeking Truth. They do not let their wandering mind take them away from Truth. Truth is now and not in the dead past or an imaginary future. Many Truth seekers receive a lot of pushback from family, friends, relatives, coworkers, and so on, but they never digress from their path.
A Truth seeker is often perceived as someone who challenges authority and subjugation to conventional norms. Society is scared of spiritual seekers because they cannot be controlled and manipulated like regular people who are still following the conventional path. Their diversion from the conventional ways is seen as an act of rebellion; however, in their hearts, they are just following their natural course of spiritual evolution. They are neither concerned nor bothered about what so-perceived “others” think of them.
Truth-seeking is not an outward activity but a deep dive within. It is recognizing one’s true nature as the eternal Self that remains unaffected by what is happening. This recognition brings about an end to the sense of separate existence that perpetuates suffering. This integration creates understanding and compassion for all irrespective of their individual conditioning.
It does not mean that Truth seekers tolerate unkind behaviors. In fact, they react to unkindness just like everyone else, but they don’t harbor long-term hate, resentment, malice, or jealousy for others. They shine in their own light without borrowing or taking away anything from others, and their light brings joy and peace to everyone.
Our spiritual journey begins with humility. A seeker without humility remains stuck in the turbulent waves of the endless ocean. They never get to experience the calm in the ocean’s depth.
The mind remaining preoccupied with rights and wrongs and other societal conditioning is incapable of undertaking the journey to the pathless land.
Humility is the first step towards Truth and the second one is courage. Courage enables us to remain centered even during the most turbulent times. When people close to us (including family and loved ones) see us drifting away from conventional life, they fiercely protest and try to grab hold of us in a bid to soothe their own fears. They create obstacles in our path. It’s not their fault; this is human nature.
A seeker is constantly bombarded with criticism and ridicule. Let nothing create self-doubt. Bring your awareness to here and now and you will be free instantly. All there is, is now. Let it happen a million times. The Upanishads say that seekers have to take criticism and ridicule in the same way as they take praise and admiration.
Every time you get swayed, bring yourself to “this” place of restfulness, trusting the Source that put you on this path. Don’t worry about the goal or destination. Here and now is your home. Nothing ever touches here and now. It is your pathway to Truth.
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