Signs of Kundalini Awakening: The Complete Guide

The word ‘Kundalini’ has gained a lot of buzz in the Western world, with more and more people practicing Kundalini yoga every day. In the ancient Indian tradition, kundalini is the larger manifestation of the life-force energy (also known as prana or chi in Chinese) that flows through the body’s various energy channels, also known as Nadis.

These Nadis connect to special energy points called the chakras (the spiraling wheels of energy) to facilitate Kundalini flow across them. Kundalini, Nadis, and the chakras are not part of the physical body; therefore, there’s no scientific way of measuring kundalini flow within the body other than making inferences through psychosomatic symptoms.

Yogic science believes that all of these are part of the spiritual body and have a major impact on our minds and bodies. The unobstructed flow of Kundalini from the lowest energy point (root chakra) to the highest (crown chakra) is associated with general wellness and spiritual wisdom. According to traditional teachings, there are seven chakras, which we shall uncover in this article shortly.

For most people, Kundalini rests at the base of the spine (coiled up 31/2 half times) near the root (Muladhara) chakra, and it lies there in a dormant state. When we practice kundalini yoga, we awaken this sacred energy. It starts flowing upwards into the seven chakras through the main Nadi, known as the Sushumna.

According to Eastern traditions, kundalini’s awakening is a significant spiritual process that allows the consciousness to expand beyond measures and bring about a realization of the absolute Truth. However, it is important to note that kundalini awakening can be a mixed bag of pleasurable and daunting experiences. Therefore, it’s advisable to practice kundalini yoga under the supervision of a trained master.

bitten by the energy serpent - A new perspective on kundalini awakening
Bitten by the Energy Serpent: A New Perspective To Kundalini Awakening

Latest book release: Bitten By The Energy Serpent – A New Perspective on Kundalini Awakening

The awakening of kundalini can significantly change an individual’s physical, emotional, and psychic abilities. It changes our perception of the world and the light in which we see ourselves in relationships with others. It destroys illusory perception and brings clarity, where things are seen for what they are rather than the way they should or should not be.

Based on my own experiences and that of others, I have compiled a list of some of the signs you can expect to experience during the awakening of this life-force energy.

Detachment from the External World

When your kundalini energy awakens, you start to feel a sense of detachment from what is happening in the outside world. You won’t care much about what’s happening around the world. You won’t bother much about news, politics, and events.

You will also be detached from your material pursuits, such as earning more money, achieving recognition and fame, buying expensive clothes, roaming around inexpensive cars, going to parties and pubs, and much more.

Achieving worldly desires will not give you the kind of excitement it used to earlier. It will completely change your interests and pursuits in life. It can have such a powerful effect that you will start questioning the purpose of your own existence.

From childhood, we are taught that we need to compete with others to survive and thrive in life. We are told that we need to push our way through the crowd to move ahead.

Over time, such beliefs get permanently ingrained within our subconscious minds. But when your kundalini rises, these beliefs start breaking. We don’t see others as separate from ourselves. Hence, phrases like ‘survival of the fittest’ hold no more relevance.

We are told that we need to be financially well-off to lead a life of contentment. But what exactly does being ‘financially well-off’ actually mean?

For some people, owning luxury houses and shiny expensive cars is basic, while for others, just paying off your student debt or loan is the way to financial freedom. How exactly does one set the bar of survival and sustenance?

Unfortunately, there is no objective answer to such questions. At least, I personally could never find one that satisfied me. If you know the answer, please let me know in the comments.

We don’t have a definite answer to such questions because these questions are a trap created by Maya (the illusion). It keeps us confused and entangled in thoughts. Working within the veil of Maya, we create more questions out of every answer.

It keeps you running your entire life in an endless cycle, and it isn’t easy to get out of it. When kundalini rises in the body, your illusory self starts to disappear, and at the same time, the absolute starts to reveal itself.

Suggested read: Why We Lose Friends After Spiritual Awakening?

You Experience an Emotional Upheaval

When the kundalini rises, it hits various energy points in the spiritual body, and as a result, we experience a tremendous emotional roller-coaster. This energy first hits the base of the spine at the root chakra or the Muladhara, which causes the release of trapped fears and emotions associated with it.

Slowly it makes its way up to the solar plexus (Manipura) and the heart (Anahata) chakra. As this happens, we experience a wide range of emotions within us. Some of them are pleasant, while others can be downright terrifying.

At this point, you are confronted with the deepest of your hidden feelings and emotions. You are immediately taken to the past, where you relive all the traumas and abuses you have undergone.

For some people, this can be a terrifying experience. And in some cases, it leads to seeking psychiatric help.

We should never see this as a negative experience because this is more like cleansing your system of unwanted negative energy and healing emotionally.

I will share one of my personal experiences with you. My father died of a heart attack about 5 years ago, and I still remember that whole scene. At that time, it was very traumatic for me, and it was difficult for me to come to terms with it.

I could see his lifeless body in front of me, and those images disturbed me for a very long time. Those images still come up at times, but they don’t haunt me anymore because I’ve had a realization that nothing dies. We move on to other dimensions for higher experiences and learning. But more on that later.

While I was working on raising my kundalini, my first experience was a vision of my father’s death. It was like reliving the entire experience all over again.

Terrified, I used to keep anxiously awake at night. I used to dread closing my eyes while sitting in meditation. My heart used to pound, thinking about experiencing that situation all over again.

Your Social Life is Disrupted

A classic sign of kundalini awakening is that you lose interest in socializing. You’re not interested in chitchats and gossip anymore. You don’t like to dress up for parties and occasions.

Even personal occasions like attending Thanksgiving dinners, marriages, birthday celebrations, anniversaries, etc., don’t hold much importance to you anymore. Even when you attend such occasions, you feel disconnected.

You don’t like to talk to people much because you feel that you can’t really share whatever is going on within you. You are not interested in making small conversations or impressing people through humor.

Most of the time, you’ll want to be left alone with your thoughts and feelings. Since your consciousness is being elevated to a higher level, you no longer seek quick fixes in the momentary release of dopamine.

In fact, some people will even call you arrogant or a social misfit. It generates a mixed bag of emotions, and it will be hard for you to understand what’s going on. You will feel confused and not be able to justify your reasons for staying aloof.

People close to you will be naturally worried and may even ask you to seek psychiatric treatment. If you feel like talking to someone about your feelings, seeking out psychiatric treatment is not a bad idea. There’s no harm. Talking to someone may make you feel light inside but don’t expect much out of it.

The thing is that people with dormant kundalini will not be able to understand what you’re going through. Under such circumstances, you can reach out to Kundalini yoga masters and talk to them about how you feel.

You Start Doing Things You Never Did Earlier

One of the prominent signs of kundalini awakening is that you suddenly start thinking and doing things you never earlier thought you would do, ever.

For example, if you were not an outdoor person, you find yourself unhappy indoors. You sneak out of the house the moment get an opportunity. You even make excuses to go out irrespective of the weather conditions.

Now you like spending time in nature. Small things like the chirping sound of birds, watching the rain, insects crawling in the grass, breathing in the fresh air, walking in the park, etc., fascinate you more than your profit and loss statements.

You don’t crave people’s attention anymore. In fact, you want to get away from them. You can’t stand any form of negativity anymore. You just abruptly cut off people who give you bad vibes, no matter how close they were to you earlier.

You like to pursue new interests and hobbies like singing, painting, dancing, writing, and much more. You don’t do these things to get attention anymore. You do them just because they make you happy. You don’t feel shy or concerned about what others will think of you. YOU DON’T CARE.

When I work out in the evening on my terrace, I start dancing in between breaks listening to my headphones’ music. Now I’m on my terrace in the open, and everybody is watching, but I don’t care.

If you have ever met a Sufi saint or a yogi, you will understand what I’m talking about. They are completely absorbed in what they’re doing and they don’t care what others think about them or what is going on around them. Kundalini’s flow in such people is potent, and they are completely detached from the external world.

This carefree attitude comes about because upon Kundalini’s awakening, the illusory personal self disappears, and there’s a sense of unity with the entire existence. There’s no separate “me” or “you.”

You Develop Empathy and Compassion

When your Kundalini awakens, you start feeling what the other person is going through, as if it’s happening to you. Being an empath can be emotionally draining and extremely overwhelming sometimes.

You start feeling sad when you see poverty and injustice. You feel compassion for the underprivileged and differently-abled people. You have the unending urge to reach out to people and offer help. And you do all of it unconditionally. You don’t expect anything in return for your help.

You stop obsessing about making money, going out to dine at expensive places, and buying fancy clothes and gadgets. Your mind is preoccupied with thinking about existence, consciousness, and life in general.

Your whole paradigm changes from “what I can get from others” to “what can I give to others.”

You Realize Your Higher Purpose

The awakening of kundalini energy is marked by a profound realization of the higher purpose of life. We spend most of our lives pursuing selfish goals, most of which don’t give us the kind of happiness we desire.

For almost one and a half decades, I struggled to create a profitable business for myself. I tried but kept failing. Eventually, even when I succeeded, it didn’t satisfy me. There was no sense of fulfillment. In fact, I felt empty inside.

Only when my energy system was fully aligned, and when I opened my heart, could I experience the unconditional love I always desired. The irony is that it was always there, but I was blinded by the glitters of the material world and could not see that the true source of unconditional love and compassion was within me.

I realized my higher purpose – to raise human consciousness. Money and fame lost all appeal. It’s not that I have an aversion toward money. It’s just that money is not the primary driving motivator. My intentions of creating value are based on promoting harmony and empathy in the world.

Each one of us has to realize our higher goals in life. That endeavor requires personal growth and spiritual development. Surrendering to the divine will and raising our internal vibrational energy will help us fulfill our destiny on this planet.

Latest book release: Bitten By The Energy Serpent – A New Perspective on Kundalini Awakening

Introduction To Chakras

Chakras are spiraling wheels of psycho-spiritual energy centers associated with the subtle (spiritual) body. They are not a part of the physical body, but the manner in which the energy flows in and out of these chakras has a significant impact on it. Without an optimal flow of energy, the chakra is said to be blocked or imbalanced, which gives rise to a host of psychosomatic ailments. Understanding this energy flow and related symptoms is the key to healing these blockages.

Are the chakras real? I’ll make it clear, the chakras are not real and neither is Kundalini. You won’t find traces of chakras, nadis, or Kundalini if you study human anatomy. They are a part of the spiritual concepts. Your true nature is infinite consciousness, which is beyond all such concepts.

However, when your consciousness is identified with the physical and material aspects of life, chakras offer a beautiful way to assess and regular psychosomatic process. That said, a physical or psychological ailment should be diagnosed through proper medical procedures by a licensed professional.

The chakras will give you a powerful insight into how your mind works and what is happening in your life, which is something that medical science does not take into consideration when it comes to complete healing.

You may heal physically and psychologically, but without spiritual healing, the problems come back. People suffer for decades from pain and inflammation despite the best treatments. The chakras take you to the root of all ailments. They help with self-knowledge and can be integrated as a part of spiritual wellness.

Root Chakra (Muladhara)

The root chakra healing ensures survival, safety, stability, vitality, and fulfillment of our emotional needs. It helps us fulfill our material needs such as food, water, shelter, health, and wealth.

The word Muladhara is composed of two words, Mula, the root, and Adhara, which means the base or foundation. The root chakra forms the foundation of psychosomatic and psychospiritual development as it is the first chakra of the energy system.

If you notice, everything has a foundation, a point of origination. The complete human psyche originates from the root energy and attains its full potential as it moves up to hit higher chakras. The root chakra is the resting place of the kundalini—the most potent energy key to self-realization and developing the full human potential.

When the root chakra activates, we experience our vital life-force energy expanding. It gives us the power to accomplish our goals by taking care of our material needs essential for survival, like food, water, shelter, security, and physical and emotional safety, and ensures healthy sexual functioning.

Symbolically, the root chakra is shown as a four-petalled lotus representing the four aspects of the human psyche:

  • Kama – Self-preservation through fulfilling physical needs like safety, stability, sexual satisfaction, and overall mind-body health.
  • Dharma – Living a virtuous or moral life.
  • Artha – Creating wealth by living a life of meaning and purpose.
  • Moksha – Spiritual development and liberation through self-knowledge and realization. This psychological tendency finds expression at the final crown chakra.

Signs of Blocked Root Chakra

If you have root chakra blockage, you’re likely to experience the following signs:

#1 – Restlessness and Irritation – It is difficult for you to settle down on one thing and accept things the way they are. There is a constant need to change things frequently, like jobs, relationships, material possessions like cars and smartphones, or even change the place where they live. You’re driven by impulsivity rather than rational thinking.

#2 – Feelings of Insecurity – You have deep insecurities. You remain insecure about your job, health, relationships, and more. Your fears are fuelled by your insecurities, which prevent you from taking action about certain things.

#3 – Uncontrollable Anger & Aggression – You get triggered easily. The fears trapped within the subconscious and unconscious manifest in the form of anger outbursts time and again.

#4 – Lack of Focus – Due to restlessness, it’s difficult for you to keep patience and focus on one particular task. People with dysfunctional root energy move from one task to another without completing any of them.

#5 – Financial Problems – There is a constant struggle with finances. You work hard to earn more money, and you even get it, but it doesn’t stay for long that way. You lose money as fast as you earn it. You spend more than you earn. You also feel the need to control the finances of others in your family.

#6 – Co-dependency – A codependent cannot deal with their emotional issues maturely. They fear abandonment so much that they are even willing to undergo abuse at the hands of other people. They are people-pleasers. They feel responsible for other people’s emotions. In a codependent relationship, the co-dependent derives their identity from the partner they are in a relationship with. The relationship usually takes on an obsessive quality, and consequently, their behaviors become self-sabotaging.

#7 – Dysfunctional relationships – You lack social skills and have difficulty trusting other people. You generally tend to have strained relationships and fear losing control and power. The obsessive need for control takes precedence because you don’t trust your partner, and hence, feel the need to control all aspects of your relationship to feel secure.

#8 – Inauthenticity – You put up appearances in front of others. You feel scared to convey your true feeling. You also are insensitive to people who express real emotions. Hence, you create a fake persona and project it to gain the attention of others. Deep down, you feel unworthy and fear being yourself. What you don’t realize is that it’s painful to live like this, and at some point, you will eventually break down from the burden of this self-created image.

#9 – Fear of Rejection – You feel a sense of helplessness. It stops you from taking action on your goals. You fear rejection and invalidation by others.

Any event that threatens our basic survival has its impact imprinted onto the root chakra. This chakra starts developing at an early age. If our basic childhood needs are met with love, understanding, and affection, the blockage in root chakra is unlikely, but that’s usually not the case with most people.

Any form of verbal, mental, or physical abuse results in fear accumulation within the root energy center. An overactive root chakra manifests itself in anger, aggression, control, and greediness. People with the overactive root chakra are stubborn and have difficulty accepting any change.

Whereas, in the case of an underactive root chakra, the underlying symptoms are: lack of focus, lethargy, undisciplined lifestyle, anxiety, and feeling of disconnection from the world.

A Life of Fulfillment, Satisfaction, and Wealth

Think about it; there can be no psychological, emotional, or spiritual fulfillment if the body is sick or deprived of the above-mentioned basic needs. It doesn’t mean that you have to be rich to achieve fulfillment and satisfaction, but you must have a restful mind. Only a restful mind can make the right decisions at the right time.

If you’re in huge debt and continually chasing unrealistic goals (speaking from the position you’re in right now), you will remain unhappy. However, if you free yourself from debts by practicing frugality and living within your means, you’re more likely to raise your root chakra energy. You can then pursue your dreams without fear.

You need to assess your needs and the expectations you keep with the world carefully. The path of dharma (virtuous living) and artha (purposeful living) is easy to follow when our desires are under control.

By controlling your desires, living a disciplined life, and working towards your goals, you can generate wealth. Wealth creation is more of an outcome of a positive mental state than physical work. If you’re always preoccupied with unproductive and self-limiting thoughts, you won’t achieve happiness or fulfillment no matter how hard you work.

You’re mistaken if you think you can achieve fulfillment by accumulating money by working hard or smart. There will always be someone out there who’s willing to work much smarter and harder. What differentiates you from others is how you think about wealth creation. And your intention behind it.

When I say wealth, I don’t mean just money. Wealth refers to the collective energy that positively impacts the entire world. It includes both tangible and non-tangible things.

I don’t make a lot of money from this blog, but I’m grateful for whatever little I do. I sleep peacefully at night, thinking about how many people I have helped by sharing knowledge. When wealth creation is coupled with a meaningful purpose that positively contributes to the world, life naturally becomes blissful.

You achieve real happiness when you go beyond your animalistic tendencies and learn to work in harmony with your entire existence. That happens when you stop viewing people as competition or threat and collaborate to fulfill common goals.

You Get To Know Your Emotions

There must be a clear distinction between control and suppression. Suppression or repression of any kind is unhealthy, but self-control is empowering. What you repress stays within you as a part of your shadow. For example, when you’re experiencing a painful emotion like rage or anxiety, you can allow that emotion to run its course and subside without needing to project it on others. That’s empowered self-control.

However, people whose root chakra is blocked are less resilient and are always eager to project their emotions onto others. They’re not in control of their emotions, but their emotions control them. They behave like animals.

Unlike humans, animals lack the awareness to exercise empowering control. The root chakra controls the animalistic aspects of our existence. Animals lack discriminatory intelligence like humans. Their intelligence is more instinctual.

Humans, on the other hand, use intelligence to determine what’s best for them. They don’t let their emotions interfere with their decisions. Animals are purely driven by emotions, i.e., they do not have the same control as humans.

Sometimes our emotions create such painful experiences that we don’t want to go through them. They kick-start our fight-or-flight mode, which is a defense mechanism that indicates the dominance of animalistic tendencies.

Over many ages, humans have evolved, but some of the primitive traits are still active within our collective unconscious, and sometimes, they dominate our behavior. When we’re low in consciousness, we default to those primitive behaviors—that genetic blueprint is still alive in us.

We are not cave dwellers anymore, yet we behave like one when confronted with a difficult situation. Emotionally unregulated, we react explosively and unconsciously to situations and events that we can easily handle gracefully through communication.

It’s alright to be afraid when the danger is present and imminent, but not when the fear is psychological and produced in anticipation of an unlikely outcome in the future. People who lack emotional control hurt other people to relieve themselves of the pain of their fears, insecurities, and adequacies.

When our root chakra is dysfunctional, our ability to deal with our afflicting feelings and emotions is severely compromised. One way to exercise emotional control is to ground yourself whenever you are undergoing emotional stress.

By grounding, you suspend all activities and pay attention to your emotions and bodily responses. This awareness creates a separation between you and the afflicting feeling, reducing its intensity.

Don’t create feelings of hatred or aversion towards your negative emotions. They are there for a purpose. They help us better understand ourselves and indicate the source of stress that needs attention. Without emotions, we would be lifeless automatons with meaningless existence.

Root Chakra Opening Paves The Way For Spiritual Development

Once you take care of your basics, you rise in your consciousness to further yourself spiritually. Spiritual practices like yoga and meditation are incredibly beneficial for opening the root chakra.

Our mind tends to achieve limitless happiness by acquiring material assets. This tendency, however, can create a never-ending chase or thirst for acquiring material possessions, which, if left unchecked, creates unhappiness and misery.

Spirituality gives a glimpse into our inner world and helps us understand our psychological propensities. Through spiritual discipline, we draw limits and gain control over our senses, including imbalanced thinking. The final expression of spiritual awareness is observed in the third eye and crown chakras.

When you awaken your mind to spiritual awareness, you realize that you’re the limitless being that needs no material possession to be happy. Your creations are for the collective good of the world, but they do not define you.

You are the unlimited-all-pervading consciousness that was, is, and will always be there. In this awareness, you find yourself connected to everything and become an infinite source of unconditional love and compassion, which in my opinion, is the highest essence of spirituality.

It is not that you have to renounce your worldly attachments and possessions to be spiritual. You liberate yourself when you reduce your grasping or attachment to objects of your desire. That’s how we create a sense of balance in life. Then we genuinely enjoy what we have without feeling guilty or worrying about losing it.

Although the root chakra provides the seed energy for physical and psychological satisfaction, it finds expression only in the higher chakras. The root chakra provides the seed of creative energy. However, it is realized in the sacral and the solar plexus chakras.

If the root chakra remains blocked, there’s no possibility of attaining fulfillment and happiness at the higher chakras. Therefore, it’s essential to open the root chakra to enable the energy flow to higher chakras where the psychological components find expression.

The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

The solar plexus (Manipura) chakra is the 3rd energy point of the spiritual body, associated with self-belief, self-confidence, personal growth, transformation, and self-development.

Solar plexus chakra is located approximately two inches above the belly button, and ‘it is associated with our identity or the ego.’ It is the center of our self-esteem and willpower. It is represented by yellow color and has fire as its element.

The radiance and brightness of this inner sun have tremendous transformational power in every aspect of our lives. If you’re struggling with low self-esteem and have difficulties in realizing goals, it’s likely that your lower chakras are blocked or imbalanced, especially the solar plexus.

The solar plexus chakra gives us an empowering control over our thoughts, feelings, and emotions in a way that we don’t let our psychological state interfere with our goals. Instead, it gives us the courage to be our authentic selves and move ahead even in the most unfavorable circumstances.

It makes us more self-reliant and removes the toxic dependency we have on others. We learn to rely on our intuition and judgment instead of controlling or manipulating others to achieve our goals. We gain confidence to take steps forward in the direction of self-mastery and personal growth. It helps us realize our real potential.

Signs of Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra

People with blocked solar plexus chakra have a very pessimistic view of life; they are highly critical of people in authoritative and leadership positions. They are reactive and stubborn. They feel unworthy, suffer from high sensitivity, keep low expectations, and keep accepting other people’s abuse to reinforce their pre-existing belief that they are the victims.

Here are some of the symptoms of an underactive (low energy flow) solar plexus chakra:

  • Lack of confidence.
  • Emotion dysregulation.
  • Inability to make decisions.
  • Lacking the capacity to resolve issues yourself.
  • The feeling of being victimized.
  • The feeling of being stuck in a rut.
  • Failure to take action on goals.
  • Low inner strength and weak resolution power.

Symptoms of an overactive solar plexus chakra are as follows:

  • Stubborn attitude.
  • Need to control others.
  • Angry and aggressive.
  • Passing judgments on other people.
  • Misusing power and positions of authority.
  • Poor eating habits.

The Heart Chakra (Anahata)

The heart chakra, also known as the Anahata, divides the seven chakras of the spiritual body into two halves. The chakras below the heart are associated with survival and wellness in the material (physical) realm, whereas those above are associated with spirituality and higher consciousness.

The heart chakra is one of the most beautiful chakras of the spiritual body and is said to be the seat of unlimited love, compassion, kindness, and forgiveness. It is located near the heart, in the center of the chest.

The heart chakra is the residence of Atman (divine self) or the soul. And our soul is nothing but absolute love.

The heart chakra is associated with the air element. However, it’s important to note that we are not talking about the air composed of gases here. The air element mentioned here refers to the vital energy which flows inside the body.

The heart chakra is linked to the Thymus gland of the physical body. The thymus gland is located in the neck region above the heart, and it generates T lymphocytes (white blood cells) that help the immune system fight off diseases. These white blood cells also fend off pathogens (microorganisms that cause diseases).

Healing the heart chakra enables us to experience unlimited love and compassion. It enables us to feel compassion not only toward ourselves but also towards other people. It increases kindness and empathy and brings about joy and love.

The heart chakra is symbolically shown as a lotus with twelve petals. The color is green. It consists of two triangles, one pointing up and the other pointing downwards. The triangles intersect and form a six-pointed star or a hexagon.

The downward triangle represents the downward energy flow towards the lower three chakras. The downward energy flow is dominant when you work towards worldly passions such as earning wealth, fame, and physical health.

There is nothing wrong with pursuing worldly passions. Your body itself is material, and its health is directly connected to your mental well-being and vice-versa.

The only thing to take care of is that one should pursue these “worldly passions” and material needs consciously. An unconscious drive to acquire wealth and fame born out of fear and insecurities creates blockages in all chakras.

For example, there is nothing wrong with earning money. When you do it unconsciously, you will give rise to negative ‘vrittis’ (or tendencies) such as lust, jealousy, envy, anxiety, possessiveness, arrogance, discrimination, sadness, despair, etc.

If you operate unconsciously, you give rise to a feeling of emptiness within, which grows stronger with time. Even otherwise, you may be able to achieve all that you desire, but you will never be at peace. You will never be happy.

When you act consciously, you experience energy flow from the heart to the lower three chakras, making you fearless, building high confidence and self-esteem, eliminating doubt and anxiety, and more.

Before you open the heart chakra, your lower three chakras should be well-balanced as well. Work on the lower chakras before attempting to heal the heart chakra.

The triangle facing upwards represents the upward energy flow, which becomes dominant when pursuing high consciousness and spiritual progress. This energy flow indicates your pursuit of awakening and liberation.

When you pursue higher consciousness, you give rise to vrittis such as love, understanding, bliss, clarity, purity, empathy, compassion, unity, peace, harmony, kindness, and forgiveness. These vrittis are the twelve petals of the heart chakra.

The animal associated with the heart chakra is Antelope. Antelope characterizes grace and innocence. At the same time, it is most vigilant to perceived threats. It knows what to do in a particular situation. Therefore, the heart chakra gives the ability to discriminate.

Symptoms of A Blocked Heart Chakra

The heart of a child is pure, but as we start growing up, we start interacting with all kinds of energies present in this world, and because of that, a lot of changes happen within us.

Some of the reasons why the heart chakra gets blocked in the first place are as follows:

  • Our inability to let go of the past.
  • Trust issues.
  • Dependency on others.
  • Suppressing emotions.
  • Feelings of anger, hatred, and resentment.
  • Lack of Empathy.
  • Passing judgments on others.
  • And more.

You Begin Trusting Other People

One of the most prominent symptoms of the blocked heart chakra is the lack of trust in others. A closed heart is fearful, doubtful, and cynical of other people’s intentions.

An open heart, on the other hand, is accepting of positive energies that enhance personal growth. Irrespective of the unpleasant incidents of the past, It accepts people and circumstances the way they are.

Trust increases intimacy in relationships. It enables us to connect with our loved ones at a deeper level. When dealing with coworkers, trust fosters better cooperation and openness and creates a healthy workplace environment.

People who have suffered abuse and trauma in the past have a difficult time trusting others. The deep-seated conscious and unconscious fears close the heart.

Healing the heart chakra eliminates the fears and insecurities that hold us back from building meaningful relationships with others.

You’re able to Let Go of the Past

Ruminating about the past keeps us trapped in the vicious cycle that lowers our vibrations. It is another reason why the heart chakra gets blocked.

Once the heart energy awakens, we let go of the afflicting thoughts and emotions, clearing out all the negative energy. The radiance of this loving energy releases all the grudges, resentment, and ill feelings we carried for so long.

Letting go of the past helped me release a lot of uncomfortable stuff buried in the deep trenches of my unconscious. For many years, I endured narcissistic abuse that created a lot of blockages within my energy body. I suffered from severe anxiety and depression and was also suicidal at one point.

It took a lot of work to clear my energy system, but eventually, I opened my heart and forgave the people who abused me. I didn’t go back to them. I keep minimal contact with some and absolutely ‘no contact’ with others. But I loosened my grip on the feelings of anger I had towards them.

Forgiveness is a significant part of ‘letting go’ without which the heart cannot heal. Forgiveness is about us and not about other people. We genuinely heal when we’re fully able to forgive people who hurt us.

It doesn’t mean that we absolve people of their wrongdoings. It simply means that we heal painful aspects of ourselves and move on. Keeping feelings of hatred and revenge is a clear indication of a wounded heart.

Recognition of the ‘Oneness’ of All Existence

Beyond this mind-body complex, we are spiritual beings experiencing the realm of physicality. Therefore, our spiritual existence is of great significance, realizing that we ensure a smooth sail in the material world.

When the heart chakra opens, we realize the presence of supreme divinity within us. There is a feeling of oneness with everything that exists. There is wisdom or clarity that we live in communion with nature.

If you observe, you’ll see that every process of nature is intricately connected. The plants emit the oxygen we breathe, and the plants absorb the carbon dioxide we release. Just imagine what will happen if this cycle breaks down.

You’re Ready to Face the Monster (Shadow)

Facing the inner demon is one of the most challenging aspects of heart chakra opening, yet it is one of the most liberating. It is why people are often scared of opening the heart chakra. It brings out the monster within – the things we had pushed into oblivion and aspects of our personality that we dislike.

While it is true that opening the heart leads to love, kindness, and compassion, that does not come until you learn to face the monster within. And there’s a monster in all of us, without exception.

The heart chakra’s energy penetrates deep into the unconscious and lightens the hidden elements that we despised. It includes painful feelings, emotions, trauma, abuse, perversions, and other maladaptive behaviors that we acquired during childhood.

In my case, it was the nightmares that were tormenting me. I often dreamt about dark shadowy figures with bright red eyes that held me hostage. This phenomenon is known as sleep paralysis in psychology.

To experience unconditional bliss, we have to clear these traumas out of the unconscious, and that’s what the heart chakra does. These nightmares are symbols of the deep underlying afflictions, and we should not be scared of them.

They eventually come to a halt when our energy system is purged of the negative vibrations, leaving us with a feeling of abiding happiness and bliss.

You Experience A True Sense of Fulfillment

We spend most of our life on selfish pursuits. While that’s okay up to a certain extent, true fulfillment comes when we align our energies toward higher goals.

If you’re coming from a place of lack and weaker vibrations, it’ll be impossible for you to know your higher purpose. You will spend your entire life struggling to survive. No achievement will ever fill the feeling of emptiness within you. You receive abundance only when you learn to develop empathy and compassion for others.

When the heart chakra opens, you move fearlessly, creating value in the world. You work for social causes, help others raise their vibrations, help unprivileged and differently-abled people, address ecological and environmental issues, and create an overall atmosphere of peace, trust, and harmony.

The life force within you is operating at its maximum capacity, which gives rise to unconditional love and empathy. You have the same concern for others as you do for yourself. You understand that your existence on this planet is not a mere coincidence, but you’re here to realize your higher purpose of raising your consciousness and that of others by exchanging divine love.

In return, the universe takes care of your financial and other material needs. You feel satisfied with what you have. Your goals and ambitions are geared towards the pursuit of raising human consciousness.

You’re In Direct Communication With The Universe (Synchronicity)

With an open heart chakra, the universe guides you at every step. It is known as synchronicity or ‘meaningful coincidences.’ The more of your chakras open, the more such meaningful coincidences occur in your life.

You start building faith in the universe. The divine force of the cosmos takes care of your material needs and leaves you to enjoy the bliss of life. You stop worrying about the future and the unknown. You feel confident about the decisions you make.

You overcome the ego, and you surrender to the divine will. When the illusion of control breaks, there is a massive sigh of relief, and all the restlessness, irritation, and anxiety are gone. You can feel the presence of your angels surrounded by the light of compassionate love.

The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

The throat chakra is the fifth chakra of the spiritual body that governs the mechanics of communication, speech, and hearing. It is associated with purity of thought and sharpness of the mind.

In Sanskrit, the word Vishuddha means pure. It indicates purity in thoughts and actions without harboring any desire for selfish material gains. The vrittis or tendencies of the throat chakra are much higher (spiritually) than those of the lower chakras, which are mainly based on animalistic nature and survivalist instincts.

When the prana reaches the throat chakra, the mind becomes sharp and accesses a non-physical dimension of purity and grace.

The throat chakra enables us to develop a soft (yet powerful) voice that emanates love and compassion. You must have noticed that when you listen to discourses of enlightened spiritual masters, how captivating their voice is.

Even if you cannot fully understand what they are saying, you still feel like listening to them. One of the reasons is that such people have powerful energy flowing across their throat chakra. Their energies are in perfect alignment with the universe, and their mere presence offers a blissful experience.

Your mind begins to expand and go beyond the worldly pursuits of money, fame, and recognition. You begin working towards raising your consciousness and helping others around you do the same. You start understanding the concept of oneness, and at this point, the illusory nature of duality begins to fade.

As the name implies, the throat chakra is located near the throat region, and it demarcates the transition from material to the selfless spiritual realm of the mind. Throat chakra energy gives us the courage to fearlessly express ourselves: our ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and opinions and develop powerful communication skills.

Signs of Blocked Throat Chakra

#1 – Inability to express yourself – This generally happens when we’re attending a social gathering or an office meeting. We fear being judged by others, and as a result, we refrain from expressing our views.

Our greatest fear is that if we express our real views and opinions, we will be mocked or judged by others. We are often so scared that we choose to suppress our true thoughts and feelings. The inability to express not only blocks our creative outlets but also makes our minds more restless.

#2 – Lying and people-pleasing – People-pleasing is an unhealthy behavior (speaking from personal experience) that indicates underactive throat chakra. From the psychological perspective, people-pleasers constantly seek validation from others because they themselves suffer from low self-esteem and a lack of confidence in their own abilities.

People pleasers are quick to make commitments that they find difficult to fulfill later. They are scared to say “no” to things.

A very common scenario I see in workplaces is that people-pleasers agree to take up challenges much beyond their current capacity to create a good impression. They very well know that the task they have undertaken is much beyond their capacity, but they still agree to do it.

Making a good impression is the first priority for them, they do it even if it’s crushing them on the inside. What usually happens is that they feel burned out by the pressure of work and then resort to lying and making excuses to justify themselves.

They hate to admit that their decision was not based on rational thinking and logic. As a result, such people cause damage to their own reputation, as well as to that of others. They constantly operate in fear and have serious issues in their lower chakras.

#3 – Eagerness to talk and inability to listen – If you find yourself talking excessively without paying much attention to what the other person has to say, you have an overactive throat chakra. The reason why you talk excessively is that you feel you’re not able to express yourself in the manner you want to or that your words don’t have a high impact.

People get tired of listening to such people talk endlessly because their topic of discussion is almost always centered around them. It’s all about what they did, their achievements, their disappointments, or what they need in life. And if you carefully notice, they keep repeating the same things over and over again.

The problem is that they are not able to channel the energy properly through their throat chakra. The energy flow within their throat chakra is in access, and it’s also impacting the lower chakras. Again the main issue here is that they cannot deal effectively with their inner feelings and emotions. They constantly try to justify either how perfect or how miserable their life is.

They make an extra effort to ensure that the other person has well understood their situation. They lack the ability to sit still and analyze their own thoughts. It’s important to understand that such people should not be judged for how they are because excessive talking is a mechanism they adopt to soothe their worry and anxiety.

It’s just that their overactive mind is manifesting itself physically as excessive talking. You can think of it as a form of emotional release.

#4 – Gossips and Criticism – Engaging in gossip and criticism of others is a clear indication of low self-esteem. A famous quote by 19th-century Irish poet Oscar Wilde says, “Criticism is the only reliable form of autobiography”.

People generally criticize others for shortcomings they themselves have. For example, someone who is conscious of his or her looks will always pass comments on others. People who don’t dress up nicely end up critiquing others for their fashion sense.

When you balance your throat chakra, you get rid of such negative vrittis (tendencies), and the tones of positive energy reverberate within you.

Sometimes we engage in gossip in the garb of passing time or taking a break from work. I remember I used to engage in gossip and criticize my boss during break times. The excuse I gave was that “It’s just casual fun. We don’t mean any harm to anyone”.

But over time, I made it into a habit. The people I used to gossip with started bitching about me behind my back, and that negativity came back full circle to haunt me. It’s never casual or fun when it happens to you. When you give out negative energy, you retain some part of it within yourself.

Latest book release: Bitten By The Energy Serpent – A New Perspective on Kundalini Awakening

The Third-Eye (The Eye of Shiva)

The third eye chakra is associated with supreme knowledge and wisdom. It is the portal to the realization of the supreme reality. It is also known as the “Eye of Shiva.”

The wisdom and knowledge referred to here are not worldly knowledge. This knowledge refers to the absolute truth and the supreme realization of oneness which is the all-pervading infinite consciousness or the ultimate reality.

Many people associate third-eye awakening with clairvoyance, higher intuition, and superhuman psychic abilities (or siddhis as they are called traditionally). In my opinion, while such abilities are impressive, they do no good other than enhance one’s own sense of separate existence or ego.

The third eye is the realization of pure consciousness, which is our true nature. Therefore, It marks the beginning of a new understanding that we are not separate from existence and that we are infinite consciousness experiencing ourselves as limited consciousness.

Most people begin the third eye awakening process thinking that once the eye opens, they will achieve something of higher significance. Call it awakening, enlightenment, or whatever you wish it to be. The third-eye awakening is the dissolution of the false self that we believe to be real. We understand that there is nothing to achieve. There is nothing to be other than the “being” we are. 

Worldly concepts like money, fame, recognition, admiration, and happiness lose significance. There comes an understanding that what we were seeking was always here. We just never saw it earlier.

That is why I feel that most of the world is not prepared for the third eye awakening. It is the death of the apparent entity that you call “me.” It breaks down the identifications that we fiercely guard all our life. For most people, this may be an extremely uncomfortable realization.

Traditionally, the third eye chakra is located on the forehead, the space between the eyebrows (and hence, it is also called brow chakra). It is associated with the pineal gland, the master gland located in the center of the brain, behind the CenterPoint of the eyes. It helps in producing melatonin, which helps regulate the hormones and maintain the circadian rhythm. According to science, it is one of the most mysterious and misunderstood of all glands.

Signs of Third-Eye Chakra Blockage

There’s a lot of misinformation about the blocking of the third eye chakra, and various people have come up with explanations of why it gets blocked.

However, the truth, in my opinion, is that we are all born with our third eye chakra closed. It is the reason why we have to undertake the journey of life. Only through the process of awakening can we open our third eye. It is something extremely powerful.

If you ask me why this happens? What is the purpose behind it? My answer is, I DON’T KNOW. What I do know is that life is an opportunity for us to realize abiding unconditional love, peace, and bliss.

It is an opportunity for us to break free from the trap of ideologies and beliefs and gain access to new dimensions of existence. It is an opportunity to be free from the bondage of the burdensome conditioned mind that forms illusions and causes pain and suffering. Once activated, the third eye opens up all the lower chakras.

So if you ask me, the blocked third eye chakra symptoms are more or less similar to the ones experienced in the lower chakras.

The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

The crown chakra is the seventh and the last spiraling energy wheel representing pure consciousness or nothingness. While the lower chakras govern the material aspect of survival and thriving in the world, the higher chakras like Third-Eye and Crown are associated with deep wisdom and supreme knowledge.

The crown chakra is where the contracted energy that we refer to as “me” dissolves into the bliss of cosmic energy or pure consciousness. It is symbolically shown as a thousand-petalled lotus, indicating unlimited joy and happiness.

The source of unhappiness is contained in the thought that one is separate from the world. This division between “me” and others becomes the very source of our suffering. When the third eye or Ajna chakra opens, we get the supreme knowledge that everything in life is an interconnected phenomenon. Nothing exists independently on its own. 

It destroys our perception of ourselves as a separate entity with name and form. We see ourselves as a whole (where the word holy comes from). It is the destructive eye of Shiva that destroys the illusion of a separate self. Therefore, the third eye is the wisdom center.

The crown chakra is the culmination point where the individual consciousness merges into the cosmic consciousness or source. It brings about natural compassion and kindness for all beings. 

For that reason, the crown chakra is located slightly above the head, although some of the crown chakra symptoms are experienced at the top of the head. It is the only chakra that is outside of the scope of the physical body.

The seed mantra of the crown chakra is “OM,” which is the sacred mantra In Hinduism, Buddhism, and other religions. But this mantra did not originate in the religions mentioned above because it was known much before any religion came into existence.

The crown chakra is shown by the violet color, which represents a high-frequency state. It is the frequency of pure love, compassion, and empathy. It represents the realization of oneness or unicity and symbolizes inner peace. It is associated with the pituitary gland, which is the primary gland that controls the functioning of the other endocrine glands.

The crown chakra awakening is associated with self-realization or enlightenment. It is simply the realization that we’re not the limited mind-body organisms we believe ourselves to be.

We are the pure consciousness whose true nature is eternal-consciousness-bliss (sat-chit-ananda). While immersed in daily living, this illusion that we are limited brings about a sense of lack or empty feeling in our hearts.

We feel unsatisfied and believe ourselves to be broken individuals living meaningless lives. We remain depressed and disconnected from our true purpose. Ramana Maharishi clearly said that self-realization is the true goal. The radiance of self-realization dispels the darkness of doom and gloom.

When the crown chakra opens, we become aware of our true nature or “pure being.” While we operate in the world with a sense of individuality, we don’t identify with it. All identifications lose their grip on us. We don’t crave material pleasures, and at the same time, we don’t even deny the pleasures that we get from nature.

Spiritual awakening happens at the third-eye chakra, where we realize that we’re not the “doers” of our actions. Actions happen due to thinking, but there is no individual thinker doing anything. This realization is harrowing for most people, and in my opinion, it is what the scriptures refer to as “the dark night of the soul.”

Crown chakra awakening is the final deliverance of the spiritual wisdom that comes through the third-eye awakening. The bliss of crown chakra awakening is not circumstantial or based on living conditions. It is eternal bliss of nothingness.

My Own Experience With The Energy Path

I started my spiritual journey on the energy path. At that time, I did not know anything about Non-Duality. The energy path taught me a lot and brought great peace but something was missing. Then the universe put me on the path of Jnana and I held onto it. I intuitively knew that to go beyond a certain understanding I had to be in that path. I came across the teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi, Nisargdatta Maharaj, Jiddu Krishnamurti & Ramesh Balsekar. The video below describes it best.

How Long Does The Kundalini Take to Unblock Chakras?

It differs from one individual to another. Some people have instant chakra activation; they feel a surge of energy hitting various energy points. For others, it can take months, years, or even decades.

Chakras are the psychospiritual energy points that exist in our spiritual body. Opening and activating the chakras is associated with higher consciousness, spiritual development, and enlightenment.

There are seven chakras within our energy body. Each one of them is associated with aspects of our physical, psychological, and spiritual existence. These chakras are opened by increasing the flow of life-force energy (Kundalini) that hits them at various locations in the energy body.

If the energy flow within a chakra is deficient, it can be closed or underactive. Whereas if the energy flow is in excess, the chakra is said to be overactive. An optimal flow of energy ensures that the chakra is well-balanced.

How long it takes you to open your chakras depends a lot on the kind of life you have lived so far. It depends on your past and present behavior, attitude toward life, discipline, and the type of spiritual practices you have been doing so far.

If you’re someone who has many aversions, pessimistic thinking, low self-esteem, and low self-awareness, it’s likely that your chakras are severely blocked, and it will take your time to open your chakras.

That said, I don’t want you to think that you’re a lesser person if you have the traits mentioned above. You are right where you should be. Divinity has a plan laid out for all of us, and enlightenment is not a conquest or a competition. So don’t be in a hurry to open your chakras.

In the spiritual path, one has to perform actions effortlessly. The more effort you put in does not equal greater progress. In fact, the easier you go about it, the better results will be. Go with the natural flow.

For example, If you meditate for five minutes daily, maintain that consistency. Don’t force yourself to sit in meditation for more extended periods in the hope of speeding up the chakra opening. The progression should be slow, and it should come naturally.

It’s okay to monitor your chakra alignment progress. You can make use of my Chakra Alignment Worksheets for that purpose. However, it’s not mandatory. Don’t be nervous or anxious about opening the chakras. That will do more harm than good.

Spirituality awakening cannot be forced or manipulated according to our whims and fancies. It will take whatever time is required. You can use essential oils or healing stones that may help speed up the progress but don’t rely solely on them.

Meditation is one of the most effective (and recommended) ways to open the chakras. The faster you attain a relaxed state of mind, the quicker your healing will be.

Performing Yoga asanas is also an excellent practice that helps open the chakras. By stretching body, deep breathing, and performing pranayama practice, we can release stress and tension that dissolves energetic blocks.

I’m stressing so strongly about meditation because it impacts the mind at the level of the subconscious and unconscious. True healing occurs when we undercover the traits and tendencies that lie within the unconscious mind.

According to the famous Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, true enlightenment occurs through individuation – a process whereby the individual self integrates with the unknown or shadow aspects of our personality.

Additionally, you should live a disciplined life that includes self-care routines like exercising, walking, deep breathing, practicing yoga poses, eating healthy, reading, getting adequate sleep, less screen time, and more.

Another way of opening the chakras fast is by using the method of Shaktipat. It is a process whereby your spiritual master physically transfers the spiritual energy and activates the chakras using a word, mantra, or touch.

Beware! Shaktipat is a dangerous method, and I don’t recommend anyone going through it without proper knowledge and guidance.

Moreover, it isn’t easy to find a real spiritual teacher who has that kind of capability. I have never witnessed this process in person, nor do I know of a master who can do that. What I’ve heard about is many gullible foreign spiritual seekers being manipulated and cheated by phony gurus.

I mentioned it here because I’ve heard many stories of disciples of the great spiritual teacher Maharishi Ramana who claimed that merely being in his presence opened their energy blocks.

What Happens If You Open Your Chakras Prematurely?

You should never take kundalini awakening lightly. Kundalini yoga is one of the most specialized forms of yoga, and it’s advisable to take the help of an expert master.

If you’re not prepared to handle this energy, it can create psychosis or mess you up psychologically. Meditation, followed by the path of knowledge, is one of the best ways to prepare your mind for this intense divine energy. It’s a slow process, but it’s safe.

Those who prematurely open chakras feel overwhelmed and confused. I remember when my heart chakra opened. It felt like my heart was about to explode. Though I felt ecstatic, I could not handle the sheer intensity of kundalini. It was too much to bear.

I’ll conclude by emphasizing that whatever you do, please don’t hurt yourself. As I mentioned before, you are precisely at the point in your spiritual journey where you need to be.

Don’t compare your progress with others. Let your chakras open naturally, and let it take all the time required. Just forget about the destination and enjoy the journey.

Tingling Sensations In The Chakras (and Other Kundalini Symptoms)

It is common for Kundalini Yoga practitioners to experience a wide variety of physical sensations such as tingling at the base of the spine, or at the top of the head, cool sensation near the throat region, throbbing in the forehead, strong swirling sensation around the stomach region (It’s not gas or bloating, the sensation is different).

These signs may differ from person to person. Although, forehead throbbing is a very common sign signifying the awakening of the wisdom center in the spiritual body. There is no need to be scared of these sensations. If something feels extremely uncomfortable, discuss it with your Kundalini teacher. These tinglings and other sensations are just symptoms of Kundalini unlocking the chakras and regulating the energy flow.

Don’t create feelings of aversion towards these tingling sensations. Enjoy them. Observe them with a loving and welcoming attitude. The universe is assisting you in your path of spiritual development. When your chakras are sufficiently activated, these sensations will disappear.

Think of this process as vacuuming. The energy moves around like a vacuum cleaner, clearing the chakras of dirt (negative energies that create blockages). The more dirt there is within a chakra, the harder you’ll have to clean it. Therefore, when the blockages are severe, the impact of the Kundalini hitting the chakra is felt harder.

Is Kundalini Awakening Really Dangerous?

The Kundalini energy lies dormant inside us and keeps us from understanding our true nature. All our lives, we act according to beliefs that have been programmed into our subconscious minds.

Its awakening is an event that marks the birth of true intelligence within us and allows us to see the world as it is without being influenced by memories or beliefs. It enables us to understand our real purpose and not just the limited minds we think.

There is no doubt that raising kundalini is an uncomfortable event for most of us. But then that is true for everything. Without discomfort, there is no growth either, worldly or spiritual. I consider awakening kundalini to be something like purging ourselves of negativity so that our consciousness can shine in full light.

Let’s take an example of a person suffering from a tumor. The only way for them to get cured is to get operated on and get that tumor out of their body. If they refuse to get medical treatment, fearing that the operation can cause death, they will never be cured.

The same is the case with Kundalini. It’s like surgery of the mind. It’s going to be uncomfortable because it’s going to change your whole paradigm. It’s going to shake your concepts and beliefs to the core. So it’s bound to be uncomfortable. But does that mean we should not pursue it altogether?

Don’t practice Kundalini Yoga if you are a beginner or suffering from severe stress and depression. If you have a serious mental health problem, consult a certified mental health professional first. Don’t take Kundalini lightly and practice with caution preferably under the supervision of an experienced master.

While psychologically the signs of kundalini awakening are similar, at the physical level, they differ from person to person. A real master will first assess you and then customize a practice based on your unique needs.

When the kundalini completes its cycle and balances energy flow across all seven chakras starting from Muladhara (root) chakra and ending at Sahasrara (crown) chakra, we attain enlightenment, which is freedom from the sense of separate existence. We experience true union or Yoga with everything.

The reason why Kundalini creates havoc in many people is that we are so immersed in samsara (the world of names and forms with a never-ending cycle of pain and pleasure) unwilling to believe anything other than what is perceived by their senses. We perceive senses and the mind to be the only reality. The mind creates its own version of reality than What-IS.

It is exactly the reason why so many people fear death.

When the kundalini rises to the third eye chakra’s location in the region between the two eyebrows, the boundaries between physical and non-physical start to blur.

And that scares them. I will admit that it is a scary experience, but the revelations we get after the awakening of kundalini are so eye-opening that it’s impossible to ignore them.

People get scared because they start losing the fake identities they build over many years. The truth is harsh, but at the same time, wonderfully beautiful. Once the overpowering ego dissolves, there is a huge sense of relief. It is the bloated ego that creates pain.

The Kundalini awakening is an enlightening experience that takes place after many rebirths. It marks the fulfillment of the highest human goal of self-realization, where the limited individual consciousness merges with the primordial cosmic consciousness.

Latest book release: Bitten By The Energy Serpent – A New Perspective on Kundalini Awakening

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Jagjot Singh

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