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Category: Non Duality
How Our Social Life Changes After Spiritual Awakening?
In my 20s, I would go to pubs with my friends for drinks, junk food, loud music, and dancing with attractive women. It looked exciting and thrilling at that time, which I mistook for happiness. The need to conform was so high that I disregarded the damage I was doing to my mind and body.…
Immediate Compassion and Contentment in the Face of Suffering is Possible for All
God is Not Sitting Somewhere Far Away in the Sky. God is the tree in the forests that allows itself to die and will not defend itself in front of those with the ax, not wanting to cause them shame. —Kabir We are taught that God is not near us but far away, looking down…
Your “Individuality” is a Myth
Our sense of separate existence, the sense of individuality, is a piece of fiction. The problem is that we live in an era where the sense of separateness or individuality is reinforced and strengthened by all the messages that are floating around. We are told that we need to improve this “self,” this individual. We…
The Dawn of Spiritual Awakening is the Light of Witnessing Awareness
Witnessing is the breakdown of the subject-object relationship that is called self-realization “Both in Jnani and ajnani, ego is sprouting forth, but with this difference, namely the ajnani’s ego when it rises up is quite ignorant of its source, or he is not aware of his sushupti in the dream and jagrat states; whereas a…
Love is Not to Be Grasped or Held Tightly!
Love may be far more than we currently think. Love is not limited to feeling; real love is beyond emotion, beyond sensation, and beyond pleasure, which are all temporary. The reality is, we are love; love is our essence, our innermost center, which is outside of time. And, while we are here together, we show love in…
Radiate the Peace of Being without Any Effort or Even Intention
The moment you try to do things with a preconceived agenda, with an intender intending to do something labeled as “good”, precisely the opposite happens. “You are a function of what the whole universe is doing in the same way that a wave is a function of what the whole ocean is doing.” – Alan…
Devotion to One’s Own Consciousness Is a Treasure Beyond Measure
Truth-based action is spiritual deliverance My friend, I went to the market and bought the Dark One.You claim by night, I claim by day.Actually I was beating a drum all the time I was buying him.You say I gave too much; I say too little.Actually, I put him on a scale before I bought him.What…
Quieting The Mind Is Not A Skill But Happens Through Deep Understanding of Life
Who is trying to quiet the mind? The belief that we can quiet our mind through specific practices is part of the mind’s thought system itself. Out of curiosity, I Googled the phrase, “How to quiet the monkey mind?” From what I gather, this is a popular search term. Almost everyone is troubled by the…
Interfering or Intervening is Not Always Necessary on the Path of Peace
Let go and let God Whatever comes, let it come. What stays, let stay. What goes, let go. If there is peace in your mind, you will find peace with everybody. If your mind is agitated, you will find agitation everywhere. —Papaji Last July, I considered myself very fortunate to get the chance to explore…